Kutch, also written as ‘Kachchh’ finds its roots in a fable that its map, if turned upside down, resembles ‘kachchh’, the Sanskrit word for tortoise. The villages of Kutch, despite being amid arid lands and harsh climate, have always remained fertile with diverse culture and artistry.
The Indo-Pak border lends Kutch a demography that is an eclectic mix of refugees from across the border, tribes from different regions, and religions, which reflects in its homes, food, art, social traditions and landmarks that include Jain temples, mosques, Swaminarayan Temple, museums, to name a few.
history of Kutch is studded with legacy of artistry passed on through ages and its villages are living examples of its resilience to brave the fatal 2001 earthquake. The geographical location makes Kutch a unique destination where you can find beach, mountains and White Desert. Come and explore Kutch, the land of infinite horizons that narrate stories.
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